In the heart of the Cotswolds, between Chipping Norton, Stow-on-the-Wold and Burford, Bruern Holiday Cottages are one of the few holiday rentals to welcome guests just as a hotel does – for a single night or for eight weeks, both during the week and at the weekend.
Even though Bruern is self-catering, you are not expected to entirely provide for yourself on your first night, so when you arrive, there are essentials like milk, butter, eggs and sausages waiting for you, along with a few little luxuries like champagne, homemade cakes and local artisan cheese.
Twice National Winners of VisitBritain’s England for Excellence Award, and current holders of EnjoyEngland’s Gold Award for quality, these holiday cottages set a new benchmark for self-catering when Judy Astor first started converting the properties in 1992, at one time comprising eight of the properties holding VisitBritain’s top grade awards, as compared with only 132 for the whole of the rest of Great Britain.
Bruern offers the comfort and attention to detail of a good hotel, combined with the privacy, independence and space of home, amidst the civilised ease and style of English Country House living. However, there are four things that really set Bruern apart from other self-catering holiday rentals.